Monday, April 20, 2009

Where do we Falter?

We Indians are the roots of the World’s largest democracy. We are 7th largest in size and 2nd most populous .We have 3rd largest standing army and one of the top 10 Military Spender. Our GDP is 12th largest in the world and when comes to Purchasing power parity it is 4th largest. We have a foreign exchange of 250 billion USD (United States Dollars) and 24 billionaires. Once infamously called “The Land of Snake Charmers” now we are a young nation with Doctors, engineers, scientists etc. The change is evident. Infrastructure is growing rapidly, cities are growing and its tall buildings everywhere .The technology is up to date, markets are flooded with latest gadgets and all foreign companies are competing to sell their products in our market. More countries are interested in investing their money in India as we grow at 10%. Almost every country wants to have good foreign relations with India as we are a Global power in the emerging.

Here comes the question, is ours a success story? Are we worth of it?

You may say “Of course yes, don’t be so pessimistic”. But the facts on competitive basis say a different story. 50% of our population lives within 2$ per day. Our rank is more than 120 in per Capita GDP and we are net importer. We export iron ore to china and import finished products from them. India accounts for 20 percent of the world's maternal deaths (Death of Women during or after pregnancy), with a woman dying every five minutes. A quarter of our population is undernourished. India has more than 2.5 million infected with HIV. We perform awfully below par in Olympics. 60% of our GDP comes by providing services to Developed countries. 67% of the population has poor sanitation. There are slums behind those tall buildings and are vulnerable to epidemics. 30% of rural population lacks drinking water. With the threat of Climate change the conditions will get worse.

Where do we falter? We have large number of individuals of with immense talents. By scientific laws the efficiency of the group should be greater than the average efficiency of individual. We can be proud of defying science. For example take a flock of birds. How does the efficiency of the flock increases? The entire flock has same goal hence motivated, Security in numbers so less distraction.

The question is why do we fail when we perform collectively? Because we lack, Love and Respect for others. We are confining us to smaller circle ‘welfare of the self or family or community’. We have different goals and thus we are isolated. Hence we are less motivated and feel insecure. How many of us have a political ideology? How many of us pay taxes? How many of us submit original House Rent Allowance properly? We may complain the tax money will fall into the hands of corrupt Politicians. But do we have the right to blame? Still some dirt is left over in our back. How many of obey traffic signals? How many of us do not put wastes in public? How many of us really know what is happening in other parts of the country? We are not connected with each other. We are divided by State, Language, Religion, cast etc. That is why we are ruled rather suppressed by British then and crooked politicians now.

It is time to rise above our differences and unite ourselves. It is the time for change. Change will be effective when it starts from the root level. If roots (Of course we the people of India) change there is no choice left to tree (India). Patriotism is not an instinct that comes to us when India wins 20-20 world cup or during terrorist attacks, it is a feeling. I am not a communist urging everybody to follow strict rules. Rather I am a selective communist saying that country should also be a dimension in our life.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We were still divided by caste, creed, religion etc. before the British set foot here, but where I think we let it go is lose the morality of a high life! Might sound familiar, but when I forget that I don't get punished for doing tasks that I am forbid, I rewrite ways by which things are destined to be done! Even though I think we are highly patriotic, we just seem to be talking emotions rather than graduating to see them through. Nice post, made me think for a while!

  3. The approach we take towards our life has something to do with the way we were brought up.So to make the change from the root level the next generation should be educated & brought up accordingly with the required awareness.Also we shud inspire them being an example

  4. Good Blog..INDIA will change and Change is imminent but it won't happen as you expect it as in the communist country. It takes time.

    Some Optimistic thoughts...
    We are a developing(realistic) nation for past a decade or so. What happend to our country till that? It is very unfortunate ,we are hit by consecutive wars and then economic blockade for 2 decades and during that time little help from the communist country. During that time, INDIA doesn't have enough food to feed its own children, then came the green revolution, and hunger for technology put as to develop our own technology in many fields( As there was economic blockade and technolody blockage no major technology should be transferred to INDIA). We are fighting a virtual war with the world to feed and save the 1/6th of the population in the world.We won it that too with democracy and unity.
    We are developing, all the statistics you have mentioned are improving may not be in expected level. People are changing. Country is changing. We will do what we can do to change the people/community around us.
